Dubai One Loft Pigeon Race – Season 3
World Championship Pigeon Sprint Racing
Last update: March, 2025
Dubai One Loft Pigeon Race
World Championship Pigeon Sprint Racing
Season 3
1. General
1.1. The Dubai One Loft Pigeon Race, or the World Championship Pigeon Sprint Racing, is a pigeon race that focuses on pigeon sprint racing and will commence in December 2025.
1.2. Multiple Races and Hotspots (Races) ranging from 30 to 350 km will be organized every weekend from December, 2025, until the end of February, 2026.
Each race will occur on the dates mentioned around 7.30 AM, subject to suitable weather conditions.
An emphasis will be on identifying the best young pigeon in sprint racing.
1.3. Should the general condition of the pigeons in the loft, the prevailing weather conditions, or any other exceptional circumstances warrant it, the organizers reserve the right to amend the race or training schedule accordingly.
1.4. To prevent the transmission of diseases and to guarantee the integrity of the race, access to the lofts will be confined to participants and/or any other visitors and will be tightly regulated. Participants will only be permitted to visit the lofts for valid reasons, with appointments made at least two weeks before the actual visit. Participants are forbidden from handling any pigeon.
1.5. Upon registering for the competition, all pigeons shall be entrusted to the Dubai Pigeon Race for their management and well-being during the training and racing period. The ownership of all pigeons shall be transferred to the shipping company, transporters, and subsequently to the organizers of the Dubai Pigeon Race upon being accepted into the Dubai Pigeon Race Loft.
The shipping companies or transporters shall evaluate the pigeons and determine which pigeons are suitable for one-loft racing, auction, or return to the breeder. This process shall be executed at the discretion of the transporter or shipping company in coordination with the breeder. The rights to any prize money and net sale proceeds that accrue, as defined below, shall remain with the relevant pigeon’s activator.
1.6. It is anticipated that some pigeons may be lost or die during quarantine, training, and racing, whether due to sickness, hazardous conditions, or injury. Good, proper, and careful management will be employed to moderate such losses. However, the Dubai Pigeon Race’s administration, organizers, or appointed agents will not be deemed liable for any losses.
1.7. Any person involved in the race organization or any immediate family members (first line) is forbidden from participating in the race for prize money.
1.8. The pigeon management will determine the training, care, and racing methods.
1.9. For complete transparency, the pigeons’ arrival will be broadcasted online.
1.10. Participants will be deemed to have fully understood and agreed to the terms and conditions of entering pigeons into the race. Furthermore, participating in the Dubai Pigeon Race implies that participants accept the race’s regulations and all the decisions of its organizers.
2. Entry and registration
2.1. For the 2025 intake year, all pigeons must be ringed with rings issued by a recognized racing pigeon organization for identification purposes. These rings must show the number, year, and particulars of the issuing organization. All pigeons must bear 2025-year rings.
2.2. It is not permitted to race pigeons before entering them into the Dubai Pigeon Race.
2.3. All participants must submit completed registration forms before their pigeons arrive at the loft for the Dubai Pigeon Race.
2.4. If the participant entering a pigeon is not the actual owner but instead a representative thereof, this representative must possess a letter of authorization from the pigeon’s owner.
2.5. When a syndicate or pigeon club registers pigeons for the competition, one individual must be nominated to communicate and receive any prize money and/or after-race sale proceeds. For a syndicate’s pigeons, the organizers will only act on instructions from the nominated party.
2.6. The name of an individual, club or syndicate must be finalized once the first pigeon enters the race. This chosen name cannot be changed following submission.
2.7. The Dubai Pigeon Race has, without further explanation, the right to refuse participation by individuals, clubs or syndicates.
3. Activation
3.1. Participants may enter a team with one or more pigeons, with these comprising one (1) active pigeon and up to three (3) reserve pigeons for each team (see entry & payment form). Participants can send fewer, or even no, reserve pigeons as part of a team. Still, only those participants who enter three reserve pigeons will be eligible to receive credit under certain conditions.
3.2. On the entry form, each participant must stipulate which pigeon to activate, followed by the reserves listed in order of preference. If no such order is specified, pigeons will be entered randomly. Following submission, pigeons may not be switched between teams, nor will changes in the pigeon order be allowed.
3.3. This pigeon will become activated after payment and confirmed receipt of the US$ 250 (net after bank charges) entry fee for an individual pigeon. Payments must be made to the Dubai Pigeon Race (see entry & payment form), and any payment shortfalls must be corrected.
3.4. The entry fee for a team is 250 USD and includes the activation of 1 pigeon. The entry fee for each team should be paid before the team is received by the Race’s designated agents (see designated agents). Proof of payment must be provided to the agent, and a copy must be sent by email. (Note that all payments must be fully settled after bank charges.)
3.5. If the minimum payment, as outlined herein, has not been received alongside a shipment, the relevant pigeons may be converted into For-Sale Pigeons or excluded from the competition.
4. Qualification 100km.
4.1. A qualification race will be organized before the first HotSpot of the season.
4.2. The organizer will run the clocking system six days from the release day.
4.3. All pigeons that return within 144 hours from the time of release will qualify for the races and will be subject to paying the activation fee of USD 250. This activation is mandatory for all pigeons that qualify.
4.4. The activation fee must be paid within 3 days after qualification. If payment is not made within the specified time frame or the amount paid is less than the issued invoices, the organizers will take full ownership of all the pigeons of the fancier or syndicate. In that case, the organizer will have the right to take any action as deemed appropriate, including taking all the pigeons of the fancier or participants out of the race.
4.5. If pigeons return later than 144 hours after the qualification, the participant may choose whether to pay the activation fee to make the pigeons eligible for subsequent races. If the participant decides not to pay the activation fee, the pigeons will become fully owned by the race organizers, and the organizer will have the right to take any actions as deemed appropriate.
4.6. In the event of loss or injury of the pigeon after the qualification, the activation fee will not be refunded in any case.
5. Activating reserve pigeons
5.1. If all pigeons of a team with a minimum of 4 submitted pigeons get lost before the qualification race, a credit will be awarded, which can be used to activate a pigeon of another team of the same fancier or a For-Sale pigeon.
No credit will be awarded if pigeons get lost after the qualification.
5.2. Credit can be used to activate For-Sale pigeons, and it may be either spent in the current race season or carried over to the following race season for entries. Credit is not redeemable, nor is it transferrable to other participants.
5.3. Any credit awarded will expire after the following season and not be carried forward after this. Any credit awarded for lost pigeons in the previous year will be applied to the current year’s pigeons in order of activation. (In other words, a credit will be used first.)
6. Activating For-Sale pigeons or Donor Pigeons
6.1. Reserve pigeons in the same team will automatically assume the place of an activated pigeon should they be unavailable or lost before the qualification.
6.2. Pigeons not timely paid for can (at the organizer’s sole discretion) become a For-Sale that any other third party can activate—on a first come, first served basis—at least 48 hours before any race. Pigeons can not be booked, and payments must be settled within 24 hours of activating that pigeon, upon which all rights to that pigeon will pass to the activator.
6.3. For-Sale (or Premium For-Sale) pigeons may compete in all competitions once activated and will be eligible to collect points for all races it has raced.
6.4. A pigeon entered into a team or Fancier’s Squad cannot be transferred to another team or Fancier’s squad. However, a pigeon may be transferred to another participant in the case of unpaid pigeons when a third party purchases one.
7. Shipping
7.1. Pigeons must be approximately 45–60 days of age and bear appropriately fitted pigeon rings that indicate the year 2025 and country of origin.
7.2. The period for intake will begin on March 1, 2025, and end on September 15, 2025.
7.3. Several pigeon intakes will be scheduled for (potential) quarantine before shipping, which must be organized via designated agents. Overseas participants should ship their pigeons to the respective agent(s) for their country or the nearest agent for that country. For details about country agents, please consult the website of the Dubai Pigeon Race ( The race management takes ownership of the pigeons as soon as they are received in the loft. The participants is responsible for the transport and has the right to use their own shipping company.
7.4. Contact your agent for specific dates. Should the organizers conclude that loft capacity may be exceeded, it reserves the right to cancel later shipments.
7.5. During quarantine and before any pigeons are shipped to the UAE, participants may send replacement pigeons should any die or otherwise require replacing. Any advice about the need for a replacement must originate from the designated agent, and the participant is responsible for liaising about replacements. No replacements may be shipped from abroad beyond the respective agent’s final scheduled intake.
7.6. Local pigeons will be collected and shipped by local agents, with the associated costs being charged to the participant’s account.
7.7. On admission to the pre-quarantine facility, as coordinated by the designated agent, participants must pay for pre-quarantine and shipping.
8. Quarantine and vaccinations
8.1. All pigeons submitted to our collection/shipping agents must have been treated with Tetracycline for at least 3-5 days and be vaccinated against the following diseases: Paratyphoid, Pigeon Pox, Rotavirus, and Newcastle Disease (Paramyxo).
8.2. Following quarantine, the organizer’s loft team will inspect all pigeons as they arrive at the Dubai Pigeon Race loft.
8.3. Any shipping and foreign-country quarantine costs are the participant’s responsibility. At the same time, the organizers of the Dubai Pigeon Race will cover the cost of quarantine within the United Arab Emirates.
9. Training
9.1. After the qualification, the pigeons’ numbers and ring details in the loft will be disclosed to the relevant participants as soon as the activation fee has been received.
9.2. The care, training, and racing will occur at the organizers’ discretion.
9.3. Formal loft training will begin at the end of August or as soon as the moult allows.
9.4. Road training will begin late October 2025, before the first race at the end of November 25.
9.5. The organizers reserve the right to transfer any pigeons showing signs of illness to the sick bay, and they will be returned to participate in the following races if they are later deemed fit.
9.6. The race management reserves the right to modify the schedule for training and racing to account for inclement or unfavorable weather conditions, as well as any other reason when it is deemed necessary to safeguard the pigeons’ welfare or the best interests of the events.
9.7. The direction, frequency, and distance of training will be conducted solely at the discretion of the Race, with training tosses not necessarily being announced.
9.8. Trainers will undertake minimal interference with returning pigeons.
10. Racing
10.1. The advertised race program should be regarded as merely a guide, as it may be modified when necessary.
10.2. Races and HotSpots will close at 12:00, one day after the first pigeon’s arrival, or at a time the management decides. The management will let the clock run after finalizing the race. Races (training flights) before the qualification race will close at sunset on the day of the release.
10.3. For the Final, the race will close at 12:00, two (2) days after the first pigeon’s arrival or at another time the management decides.
11. Auction
11.1. Participants must provide pedigrees for any pigeons and should reach the organizer maximum 2 weeks (14 days) days before the final race.
11.2. All pigeons returning from the final race may be sold at auction, either live, virtual, or online.
11.3. Standard auction rules will apply, with buyers being required to pay the organizers the auctioned amount within 48 hours of the auction closing.
11.4. All expenses related to the housing and shipping of pigeons purchased at auctions will be the responsibility of the buyer.
11.5. The main pigeon auctions will be conducted online at:
11.6. The organizer also reserves the right to select other pigeons of interest for the auction or any other auctions.
11.7. After accounting for auction and administrative costs, the pigeon’s activator will take a 50% share, while the organizer will take 50%.
11.8. Should a pigeon be sold on an auction website, but the organizer fails to receive a payment within the specified time frame, the organizer may republish that pigeon on the auction website and accept the latest auction price.
11.9. When pigeons remain from the auction, and the owner is uninterested in repurchasing them, the organizer will continue ownership of them with the right to take any appropriate action.
11.10. The owner or buyer of a pigeon shall be held responsible for taxes or other expenses related to the prize money or proceeds according to the relevant taxation laws.
11.11. The bidder will be held responsible for any transport expenses.
11.12. The organizer will adopt the foreign exchange rate used by the NBD bank in the UAE.
12. Pedigrees
12.1. Participants are encouraged to supply pedigrees in English covering a minimum of two generations to maximize their pigeons’ sale price, and where applicable, they must include ring cards.
12.2. Two weeks before the main race, the original breeder must provide the pedigrees of all pigeons, including those activated by third parties. Failing to do will result in forfeiting the right to a share of any auction proceeds or earned money of any of his pigeons and potentially disqualifying all pigeons from competing in the final race.
12.3. When required, the Dubai Pigeon Race will act as a liaison to attempt to obtain pedigrees for such pigeons from the original entrant. However, third-party-activated pigeons will be exempt from being withdrawn if all attempts fail or are disqualified.
12.4. Pedigrees may be provided to the agents alongside the pigeons or scanned and emailed directly to
13. Prize Money, Auctions, and Pedigrees
13.1. Only pigeons that have been activated and had pedigrees provided will be awarded prize money. Should a non-activated pigeon, or one without a pedigree from the original participant, be timed in a prize-winning position, this will be deemed void, and the prize awarded to the next activated, qualified pigeon in line. An exception to this rule is provided for pigeons activated by third parties.
13.2. Proof of any payment made to pigeon must be emailed to at least 48 hours before the basketing of any race to qualify for prize money in that race, although the Race may accept a shorter period at its sole discretion.
13.3. The total prize value will be US$200,000, and the prizes will be paid between 30 and 45 days after the official result is declared. The bank transaction costs will be borne by the receiver of the prize money.
13.4. If not all the prize positions are won, the unassigned prizes will be split equally between the winning positions.
14. The Buy-Back of Pigeons
14.1. Following the conclusion of all auctions and races, participants may choose to repurchase their pigeons for US$ 150 plus any shipping and quarantine costs under the following conditions.
14.1.1. Pigeons selected for auction may not be repurchased.
14.1.2. Only the activator or breeder of the pigeon may repurchase it, with the activator having first refusal.
14.1.3. The cost of the pigeon plus any shipping and quarantine fees must be paid prior to shipment.
14.1.4. Pigeons will only be shipped to destinations where it is legally, efficiently, and safely possible. Buyers in other destinations must make arrangements with shippers in such countries for onward shipping.
14.1.5. The organisers should be notified within 4 days after the final race.
15. Disputes
15.1. Any dispute arising after a race or on interpreting these terms and conditions must in the first instance be referred to the organizers, no later tha 48 hours after the closure of any race (result of the finalist published on the website or social media). Any dispute submitted later than 48 hours after the closing of the race will be considered void.
If the dispute cannot be amicably resolved, it will be referred for settlement through arbitration under the legal system of the UAE.
15.2. For legal purposes, the English version of these terms and conditions will be deemed the official version.
16. Force Majeure
16.1. In this Clause, an “Event of Force Majeure” refers to an event beyond the control of the organizers and participants, such that it prevents either party from fulfilling its obligations under this Contract. This includes import restrictions, closure of borders, and the refusal of authorities to race the pigeons or continue to race the pigeons.
16.2. Should a Force Majeure be declared prior to the Qualification:
16.2.1. Participants will have the option of choosing to receive a 50% refund for any activation fees (excluding a perch fee of 50USD per pigeon) paid to the Dubai Pigeon Race for the current season or credit for use in a later race program.
16.2.2. Every reasonable effort will be made to safeguard the welfare of the pigeons, but the organizers cannot be held liable.
16.2.3. Should a Force Majeure be declared following HotSpot 1, the organizers will refund 40% of any activation fees (excluding perch fee of 50USD per pigeon).
16.2.4. Should a Force Majeure be declared after HotSpot 2, the organizers will refund 25% any activation fees (excluding perch fee of 50USD per pigeon).
16.2.5. Should a Force Majeure be declared after HotSpot 3, the organizers will not refund any fees.
16.3. In case of a Force Majeure the organisers can change the format, prize value and prize distribution of the competitions at its own discretion.
17. Donor and For-Sale pigeons
17.1. Terms for Donor Racers
17.1.1. Donor Race Pigeons (Donor Racers) are donated pigeons. Such pigeons are available for anyone to purchase.
17.1.2. The entry fee for “Donor Racers” pigeons is US$ 500.
17.2. Terms for For-Sale Racers
17.2.1. The entry fee for For-Sale is US$ 200 per pigeon.
17.2.2. Selected pigeons from cases where participants have failed to pay the necessary participation fee, can become For-Sale pigeons.
17.2.3. Third parties can activate Donor Racers or For-Sale Pigeons through the following processes: By paying a US$ 250 activation fee at least 48 hours prior to HotSpot 2. By paying a US$ 250 activation fee at least 48 hours prior to the Final Race
17.2.4. Following the conclusion of the races and any sale of the Donor Racers, 50% of the net proceeds, after sales costs, will go to designated trusts or charities, 25% will go to the activator of the pigeon, and 25% will go to the Race. The breeder of a Donor Racer will not receive any payment for that pigeon.
17.2.5. Participants who want to donate pigeons as “Donor Racers” should email the Race to obtain prior approval, as such pigeons will be limited. Pigeons received without such prior approval may be refused.
17.2.6. The rights to Donor Racers or For-Sale pigeons will be made available on the website for anyone wishing to pay the activation fee. All such rights will pass to the first person who pays for a pigeon. Bookings will not be taken, and all payments will be made through the website.
17.2.7. Once a Donor or For-Sale race pigeon becomes an activated pigeon, it will in all respects qualify for races as if it were a typical activated pigeon, as defined in these terms.
17.2.8. Should a participant select a Donor or For-Sale race pigeon that is subsequently lost in the next race (except for the final race), that person may select a replacement from the available Donor or For-Sale pigeons up to the same value. Should no Donor or For-Sale pigeons be available, the participant will receive credit. Pigeons lost after the basketing for HotSpot 6 will not be eligible to receive credit or a replacement.
18. Grand Average Ace International Sprint
18.1.1. All the pigeons entered into the Dubai Pigeon Race will compete for the Grand Average Ace International Pigeon title, but only fully paid-for, activated pigeons will be deemed in contention for any available prize money.
18.1.2. The pigeon that finishes the best-weighted results of all official Races (Races, Hotspots, and Qualification Races) in the best position will be the Grand Average Ace Pigeon.
18.1.3. Pigeons that fail to return within race time for the final race will be excluded from this competition
18.1.4. In the event of a tie following the conclusion of the Dubai Pigeon Race, the highest-placed pigeon in the final race will be deemed the winner of the Grand Average Ace International.
18.1.5. Points will be awarded for all official Races (Races, HotSpots and Qualification Race) based on the number of participating pigeons in the first Race (30km): For example, say 2000 pigeons are released for the first race, the first pigeon to arrive receives 2000 points, the second pigeon to arrive receives 1999 points, and so on.
18.1.6. Any result in the top 30 of any race will be weighted double, except for the final race.
18.1.7. For the final race, pigeons arriving on the same day of release will be awarded their points multiplied by 4. For example if a pigeon receives 2000 points it will be awarded a total of 8000 points.
18.1.7. Summary Total prize fund: US$ 19,750 (Including US$ 1250 Credits) Prize positions: 10 Competitors: All pigeons that are activated before the Final Race. Entry fee: Included with activation
19. Super Ace International: World Champion Pigeon Sprint Racing
19.1.1. This will be open to all pigeons activated before the Final Race.
19.1.2. Points will be awarded for the Qualification Race, HotSpots and the Final Race based on the number of participating pigeons in the first Race of the season: For example, say 2000 pigeons are released for the first race (30 km), the first pigeon to arrive receives 2000 points, the second pigeon to arrive receives 1999 points, and so on.
19.1.3. The points for every top 20 position in all races, except the final, will be weighed double. The points of the final race will be multiplied by 4.
19.1.4. Super Ace pigeons that do not arrive within race time will not be eliminated from the competition, but they will forfeit any points for that particular race. Super Ace pigeons must also finish the final race within the race time specified in the rules. Should there be a tie between two or more pigeons, the winner will be the pigeon that finished ahead of all the other(s) in the final race.
19.1.5. Only the 5 best scores of the Qualification Race, HotSpots and Final Race will be considered.
19.1.6. Summary Total prize fund: US$ 80000 Prize positions: 175 Competitors: All pigeons that are activated before the Final Race Entry fee: Included with activation or paid upon activation
20. Champion of Champions
20.1.1. This will be open to all pigeons activated before the Final Race.
20.1.2. This competition is open for the winners of the Qualification Race, HotSpots, and the Final Race.
20.1.3. The pigeons with the highest ranking in the Super Ace International: World Champion Pigeon Sprint Racing competition
20.1.4. Champion of Champion pigeons must also finish the final race within the race time specified in the rules. Should there be a tie between two or more pigeons, the winner will be the pigeon that finished ahead of all the other(s) in the final race.
20.1.6. Summary Total prize fund: US$ 6000 Prize positions: 6 Competitors: All pigeons that are activated before the Final Race Entry fee: Included with activation or paid upon activation Payout timeline: Within 45 days of the final race
21. Final Race – Champion Arabian Gulf Race
21.1.1. Summary Total prize fund: US$ 51,750 Prize positions: 100 Competitors: All activated pigeons Entry fee: Included with activation
22. Fancier Competitions: Best Fancier for Pigeon Sprint Racing / Best Loft for Pigeon Sprint Racing
22.1.1. Rules for Best Fancier for Pigeon Sprint Racing: Each fancier (or club/syndicate) that participates with at least 16 pigeons (4 teams) (entry fees for the teams paid upon entry) may enter the Best Fancier competition. The best ranked third pigeon in the Grand Average International ranking of from teams, 1, 2 and 3 of fanciers that participate with minimum 4 teams will determine the winner of the Best Fancier competition.
22.1.2. Rules for Best Loft for Pigeon Sprint Racing: Each fancier (or club/syndicate) that participates with at least 20 pigeons (5 teams) (entry fees for the teams paid upon entry) may enter the Best Loft competition. The best ranked third pigeon in the Super Ace ranking of all teams of fanciers that participate with a minimum of 5 teams will determine the winner of the Best Fancier competition. For every race, hotspot or final a race winner will be determined for the best loft (best 3rd ranked pigeon in the race result) or best fancier (best 3rd ranked pigeon from teams 1, 2 and 3 in the race result). This result will be mentioned on the social media but there is no prize value.
22.1.3. Summary Total prize fund: US$ 2 x 4500 = USD 9,000 Prize positions: 2 x 5 positions Competitors: All eligible participating teams Entry fee: Included with activation
23. Pigeon Sprint Races – HotSpot Series
23.1.1. Summary Prize positions: 30 in total over 9 HotSpots and the Qualification Race, excluding the Final race Total prize fund: US$ 25000 Competitors: All pigeons that are activated before a Hotspot, except for the qualification race where pigeons can be activated until 102 hours after the race, except for Donor Pigeons, For Sale Pigeons or Premium For Sale Pigeons. Entry fee: Included with activation
24. Rules:
The above terms and conditions, combined with the application form available on the Dubai Pigeon Race website, constitute the entirety of the agreement between the event organizers and the partici